We said YES! June 28, 2017 10:06

So excited to be asked to take part and of course we said yes... thinking caps on and watch this space to see what we came up with.... THX Jay |
From Jay's Blog: My friends down at DesignJunction, which is London’s leading destination for design during the annual London Design Festival. DesignJunction is a show for the industry, by the industry, with a global presence in three key design cities; London, Milan and New York.
“Jay i still don’t get it” `Ok ill get to the point Last year the DesignJunction team decided to give me some donations of furniture. Let me just stop here for a minute to tell you about these items. I have been given a good number of stools called Noughts & Crosses, designed by Michael Sodeau and manufactured by Modus. Well for a year I have been thinking how I could best use these, as DesignJunction said, “you can have them as long as you do some charitable aims with them”. |
Every Thursday I highlight a charity with Thumbs Up Thursday. This process needs additional support in order to spread the love even further around the UK., from my friends within the industry.
Previously I informed you, that I had asked some of my friends to give me a helping hand. Well I'm so proud to be able to show and tell you Who's taking part and giving back to their community or charity dear to them.
Each month a person or/ group will be given a stool to redesign, which will then be up for sale/auction and all the profits going to their chosen charity.
This is such a great opportunity in so many ways
MEDIA FAME: Jay & Co is currently working on getting a regeneration project off the ground in Wolverhampton. In addition to this project, we are also being filmed by the BBC to be in their Money for Nothing show series about up-cycling furniture that is found in skips.