Boatyard Collection September 23, 2015 09:25
Boatyard Collection
An ongoing collection of recycled furnishings and new fabrics inspired by living and working in Faversham, North Kent by Alex Law.

Away from the gleaming, pristine show world of leisure yachting are the areas that service craft of all sizes. They facilitate the dreams of many would be boat builders and restorers. BoatYard explores the beauty and interest that lays away from the waters edge, concealed in the places where unseaworthy craft are either repaired or long forgotten.

On the banks of the creek I’ve known for most of my life there is a world few people see. Traditional Bargewrights and Boat Builders find themselves sharing spaces with a mixture of light industry, logistics and retail outlets. The uniqueness of the combination in my home town has given me the opportunity to produce a locally sourced nautical collection far remove from pressed white slacks and squeaky clean deck shoes.

All of the images used to form the pattern were taken inside a 1 mile stretch of creek. The base cloth is distributed throughout the U.K. from an industrial unit within the town. It has been printed in the town. All of the furniture has been sourced from shops and market stalls in the town and upholstered in my studio short walk from the Town quay.

An ecologically sensitive approach to re upholstering the chairs is at the heart of each restoration. Care has been taken to combine fillings from recycled, natural and sustainable sources whilst maintaining compliance with UK domestic fire regulations.

Alex Law has been working as an upholsterer since the late 1980s. He has followed the traditional path from apprentice, through journeyman and on to master upholsterer.
Throughout his career Alex has worked in high-end craft workshops as well as developing a deeper understanding of the craft through teaching upholstery at London Metropolitan University alongside day-to-day bench work. He has been awarded recognition for this work from several trade organizations. He now runs the Kent School of Upholstery, based in Faversham, Kent, as well as designing and making collections of upholstery for various clients.
He is lead Upholsterer at the Kent School of Upholstery in Faversham. Places are still available on the weekly courses which start in October.